Monday, April 15, 2024

First feel

Is it a lump?

Waking up around 1am Saturday morning, not unusual, naked, unusual, normally wearing tight briefs, rolled over and moved my bits around for comfort - what is that? Is that a lump? A little exploring and yep, it's a lump on the right testicle. Wow, this is going to be life changing.

Peggy, my wife, retired from Nursing eleven years ago, has seen most everything to do with Nursing, sometimes I think she has a bit of PTSD from some of what she dealt with working in Hospitals here in South Florida - how will she handle this? When and how do I load this thing up on her.

Early breakfast as we're picking up our granddaughter at the Ice Rink for a sleep over today. Still wondering how and when to tell her.  On the Turnpike heading North to Palm Beach, I simply say " I have something to tell you" but she doesn't hear, road noise. I have something to tell you - I found a lump on my right testicle this morning.

Practical as always, Peggy asks about the size and position. I'm not certain of the size, perhaps about the size of a sweet pea and position is not so easy, possible on the side, maybe nearer to the top, it's not like there is a 'this way up' marker.

While at the rink, Peggy asks Dr. Google and finds that it could be a build up of fluid or something like that. She didn't mention 'C'

That night I confirm the Lump, it's towards the left side of the right testicle and it is about the size of a pea but not easy to say.  We agree that I'll reach out  to our Health Insurance Co. on Monday morning.

I decide to document the adventure - I'm not the first to find a lump down there.

Waiting on results

Waiting on the results of the Ultrasound examination. When anyone asks me 'How are you doing' my response is nearly always 'Tryi...